Below is a map of the black-owned restaurants in the Dallas fort worth metroplex!
To navigate zoom in or click the map to redirect to the google maps app where you can directly click on each restaurant to see the address, phone number, hours, and directions!
Everything in the Dallas Fort Worth metroplex, black owned and related to food or drinks! For the full list head to @DubbsGrubs on all socials.
Soul Food
South Dallas Cafe (214)337-9200 7035 Marvin D Love Fwy, Dallas, Tx
A Taste of Way Catering @atasteofways (682)587-7733 2949 E Kiest Blvd, Dallas, Tx
BB Crowns On the Go (682)271-7000 6900 New York Ave, Arlington, Tx
Undecided Cafe (South Dallas) - soul food
Sweet Georgia Browns (Dallas) - Soul Food, BBQ
Mothers Basket @mothersbasket (Desoto) - Fried Chicken, Soul Food, Fried Fish
Mckenzie’s Catering (Desoto) - Soul Food
Madea’s Down Home Cookin’ (Everman) - Soul Food
Stormie Monday’s @stormiemondays (Fort Worth) - Soul Food
Hoberts Southern Soul Food (Fort Worth) - Soul Food
Drew’s Place (Fort Worth) - Soul Food
Rosako’s Soul Food & BBQ @rosakossoulfood (Bedford) - Soul Food, BBQ
Mama Es BBQ & Home Cooking (Fort Worth) - Soul Food, BBQ
Savorite @savoritetx (Plano) - Soul Food
Casserole Soul Cafe @officialcasserolesoulcafe (Lancaster) - Soul Food
Damian’s Cajun Cafe @damianscajunsoulcafe (Arlington) - Cajun, Soul Food
Turkey Leg Paradise @turkeylegparadise (Dallas) - Turkey Legs, Soul food, Bar
South Dallas Cafe @southdallascaferedbird (South Dallas) - Soul Food, BBQ
Winners BBQ @winnersbbqcedarhill (Cedar Hill) - BBQ
Baker’s Ribs @bakersribs (All over DFW) - BBQ
Hardeman’s BBQ @hardemansbbq_dallastx (Dallas) - Soul Food, BBQ
BB Crowns On the Go (Arlington) - BBQ, Soul Food
Sunny South Dallas BBQ (South Dallas) - BBQ
Odoms BBQ (Dallas) - BBQ, Soul Food
Koolys BBQ @Koolysbbq (Dallas) - Baked Potatoes, BBQ
H&J BBQ (Dallas) Baked Potatoes, BBQ
Records BBQ @records_bbq (Dallas) - Dallas
Sweet Georgia Browns (Dallas) - Soul Food, BBQ
Rosako’s Soul Food & BBQ @rosakossoulfood (Bedford) - Soul Food, BBQ
Berry Best BBQ @berrybestbbq (Watauga/Fort Worth) - BBQ
Bear Creek bbq @bearcreekbbq (Glenn Heights)
Mama Es BBQ & Home Cooking (Fort Worth) - Soul Food, BBQ
Phat Girlz BBQ @phat_girlz_bbq (Cedar Hill) - Baked Potato, BBQ
Smokey John’s @smokeyjohnsbbq (Dallas) - BBQ
Smokin Bones BBQ - Arlington
Smokey Dz (Duncanville) -BBQ
Jamaican Food
Elaine’s Kitchen @Elaines_kitchen (South Dallas)
Jamaican Cook Shop (Mesquite)
Reggae Wings and Tings @reggaewingsandtings (Mesquite)
The island spot @theislandspot (Dallas/Carrollton)
Jamaican Gates Carribean Cuisine (Arlington)
Crazy Brothers @crazybrotherz (Very South Dallas) - A diner with Brunch, Lunch, Dinner
Harris House of Heroes @harrishouseofheroes (Uptown) - Wings, cajun, brunch, bar.
Breakfast Bar (South Dallas) - Breakfast, CASH ONLY (best to go/call in)
LoLos Chicken and Waffles @Loloschickenandwaffles (SouthLake) - Brunch
Pangea @pngeadallas (Dallas) - High End Spot: Seafood, Steak, Chicken
Buttons @buttonsdfw (Fort Worth) - Brunch (Closed during Covid)
Black Coffee @blackcoffeeFW (Fort Worth) - Coffee Shop
Snappys Catfish (West Dallas) - Catfish, Shrimp
Sharks Fish & Chicken (North Dallas) - Fried Chicken, Fried fish
Krab Kingz FW (Fort Worth) @krabkingzft.worthtx
Aunt Irenes @auntireneskitchen (South Dallas) - Seafood boil, Fried Seafood/Chicken, Soul Food
Catfish Floyd’s (Dallas) - Catfish
Fluffy’s Chicken and Fish @fluffyschicken (Cedar Hill) - Fried Chicken/Fish
TJs Catfish & Tenders @TJsCatfishandwings (Arlington) - Wings, Fried fish, Tenders
Bulleez DFW @bulleezdfw (Desoto) - Fried fish, chicken
Pangea @pngeadallas (Dallas) - High End Spot: Seafood, Steak, Chicken
Ronnies Catfish & More (Dallas) - Catfish
Stanley’s Catfish (Oakcliff) - Catfish
JJs Fish & Chicken (Dallas) - Fried Chicken, Fried Fish
Ooowwweee Wangz n catfish @ooowwweeewangz (Fort Worth) - Wings and Catfish
Thibodeaux’s Cajun Cookin @thibodeauxscajuncookin (Duncanville) - Cajun
Vegan Food House @houseofveganfood (Dallas)
BurgerIM Westend @BurgerIM_westend (Dallas) - Burgers, Vegan
Da Munchies @damunchiesdfw (Dallas)
Recipe Oak Cliff @recipeoakcliff (Dallas)
Sankofa Kitchen @sankofakitchen (Dallas)
ITSO Vegan @itsovegan (Grand Prairie) - Vegan
BurgerIM Westend @BurgerIM_westend (Dallas) - Burgers, Vegan
Fat Burger @Fatburger/@FatburgerDallas (Hurst) - Burgers, Shakes
Whiskers Catfish & Burgers (Dallas) - Catfish, Burgers
Wingfields - Burgers (Dallas)
Philly Cheesesteak
Southside Steaks and Cakes @southside_steaks_cakes - Philly cheesesteak, funnel cakes, wings.
Big Tony’s West Philly (Desoto/Allen) - Philly Cheesesteak
Stevie D’s Cheesesteak @stevieDs_cheesesteak (Mansfield) - Philly Cheesesteaks
Chicken Spots
Harris House of Heroes @harrishouseofheroes (Uptown) - Wings, cajun, brunch, bar.
Halls Chicken (Dallas) - Chicken
Southside Steaks and Cakes @southside_steaks_cakes - Philly cheesesteak, funnel cakes, wings.
Rudy’s Chicken @rudyschicken (Dallas) - Chicken
Roots Chicken Shak @rootschickenshak (Plano) - Chicken, Soul Food
Wings World @wingsworldmlk (South Dallas) - Wings
Big Mama’s Chicken and Waffles @bigmamaschickenandwaffles - Chicken, brunch, soul food
Fluffy’s Chicken and Fish @fluffyschicken (Cedar Hill) - Fried Chicken/Fish
Mothers Basket @mothersbasket (Desoto) - Fried Chicken, Soul Food, Fried Fish
TJs Catfish & Tenders @TJsCatfishandwings (Arlington) - Wings, Fried fish, Tenders
Bulleez DFW @bulleezdfw (Desoto) - Fried fish, chicken
What’s Cluckin @whatscluckin (Plano) - Chicken
Tasty’s Chicken @tastyschickenTX (Plano) - Chicken
Daddy Mac’s Chicken @daddymacschicken (Dallas) - Chicken
Nutrition/Energy Drink/Protein Shakes
Duncanville Nutrition @duncanvillenutrion (Duncanville) - energy drinks, protein shakes
Daiquiri Shop
Daiquiri Depot Soul Food Grill @daiquiridepot (Arlington) - Daqs, Soul food, wings, fried fish.
Daq and Mags Daiquiris @daq_and_mag_daiquiris (Dallas) - daiquiri, wings, soul food, seafood broil.
Southern Classic Daiquiri @daquirifsctory (Dallas) - Daqs, Cajun Food
Blu Ice Daiquiri @blueicedaiquiris (Arlington) - Daqs, Soul food, turkey legs, wings, seafood
Daiquiri Shoppe (Grand Prairie & Carrollton) - Daqs, Cajun food, wings
Lea Leas Daiquiris @LeaLeadaiquirispot (North Dallas) - Daq, Wings, Cajun
Flavor Wings N Daiquiris @flavorswingsndaiquiris (Arlington) - Daq, Wings
D’s Daiquiris @Ds_Daiquiris (pick up) - Daqs, with candy options
Food Trucks/Farmers Market
Shells and Tails 2 Geaux @shellsandtails2geaux (Desoto) - Seafood Food Truck
Brunchaholics @Brunchaholics_ (Farmers Market) - Brunch, Everything
Js International Grill @jsinternationalgrill (Addison/Farmers Market) - Carribean Food
Bams Vegan @bamsvegan (Farmers Market) - Vegan
Vegan Vibrations @veganvibrationz (Farmers Market) - Vegan
OG Vegan Chef James/Peace Love Eatz @OGVeganChefJames @Peace.Love.Eatz (Farmers Market/Desoto) - Vegan (store front, daily plates)
Smith Spot bbq @smithspotbbq (DFM) - BBQ
Carribean Cabana @carribeancabanadfw (DFM) - Carribean food
Deans Smokin BBQ @deanssmokinbbq (DFM) - BBQ
Fine Apple Vegan @fineapplevegan (DFM) - Vegan
Jababae Taiwan Street Food Truck @jababaefoodtrucj (Addison/Dallas) - Taiwan Street Food Food Truck
Soul of DFW @soulofdfw - FOOD TOURs (tours all over the metroplex)
Caterers/Chefs (catering orders and daily plate pick up)
The Bells Sweet Factory @thebellssweetfactory (Plano) - Brunch, Cajun, BBQ, desserts, meal prep.
Kajun Konnextion @Rattrapping/@KajunKonnextion (Addison/Pop Up)- Brunch, Cajun, Seafood Boils, high end plates, Burgers.
Court Cooks @courtcooks (Dallas) - Cajun, wings, desserts, seafood, etc
Chef K Black @ohYeahFoodPlug (Dallas) - Cajun
Soul Mash’d Up @soulmashdup (Dallas) - Soul food, Cajun.
Tee Js Cajun Catering @teejscatering7 (Hurst) - Cajun
Field of Greens DFW @fieldofgreensdfw (Dallas) - nutrition, vegan, meal prep, wings, brunch.
Kokies Kuisine @kokies_kuisine (Dallas) - Cajun
Stuntz Wings & Tingz @stuntz_wingzntingz @stuntdoublesean (Dallas) - Wings
Trap Chef @Trap_chef_ (Farmers Branch) - Wings, Burgers, Trap treats
Dhadon Cuisines @dhadon.cuisines (Dallas) - Soul food
Ken Folk’s Kitchen @KD.Brown (Dallas) - Cajun/seafood
Show Me Catering @chef_tune (Dallas)
M’Jays Catering @_Mjay_1987 (Arlington) - Cajun, BBQ, turkey legs
RJ the Sauce Boss @rjthesauceboss (Arlington) - Cajun, Brunch
Chef Smoot @chefsmoot (Arlington)
Street Eats Catering @street_eats_catering (Denton) - soul food, desserts
Taste My Roots @tastemyroots (Dallas) - Cajun
Chef Derricka @chefderricka (Dallas) - Cajun, Brunch, dinner, etc
Wow Pasta @Wow_pasta (Dallas) - Pasta
Aunna Mae’d It @aunnamaedit (Dallas) - Cajun/Seafood
Mother Earth @motherearth999 (Carrollton/Denton) - THC infused food
Tori Pushing Plates @toripushinplates (Fort Worth) - Soul food, Cajun, brunch, etc
The Passion Player Chef @ThePassionPlayerChef (Arlington) - Turkey Legs, Cajun, brunch, Passion Plates
Funkadelic Foodie @funkadelicfoodie (Dallas/CH) - Cajun, wings, pasa.
Funkadelic Infusions @Funkadelicfoodie (Dallas) - THC infused food
The Puddin Shoppe @thepuddinshoppe (North Dallas) Pick up/Delivery - Pudding
Cobbler Gobbler @cobblergobbler_ (Dallas) Pick up - Cobbler
Dallas Berry Bar @DallasBerryBar (Dallas) Pick Up/Delivery - Chocolate covered fruits
Kessler Baking Studio @kesslerbakingstudio (Dallas) - Bakery
Cake Bar @cakebartrinitygroves (Trinity Groves) - Cake
D&L Shaved Ice (South Dallas) - Snow Cones, funnel cakes, food
Cream N Things @creamnthings (Dallas) - Snow cones, food
Val’s Cheesecakes @valscheesecakes (Dallas) - Cheesecake
Sweet Things of Midtown @sweetthingsmidtown (Dallas) Pickup/ Delivery - Cookies
Pretty Tasty Cakes n Pastries @prettytasty_cakesnpastries (South Dallas) - cakes and pastries
Kookie Haven @kookiehaven (oakcliff) - cookies, cakes
Madears Jellies @madearsjellies (Dallas) - Fresh fruit jellies
Tipsy Cupcake Dallas @tipsycupcakedallas (Dallas) - Alcohol infused desserts
Funnel Cake Paradise (Dallas) - Funnel Cakes, Food, Ice cream
Sweet Faced @sweet_faced (Arlington) - baker
Key Cakes Cupcake Catering @keycakescupcakes (DFW)
Mobile Bartenders
Drunk N fruit @drunknfruit
Mix-Odo-logy @mix.odo.logy
Kent Fisher @Kent_Jonathan2
Pretty Tipsy @pretty.tipsy
Food Bloggers
Dubb’s Grubs @dubbsgrubs (the goat)
Viva La Foodie @_vivalafoodie
Neva Finds Food @nevafindsfood
Stay Hungrayy @stayhungrayy
Monica Eats Good @Monica_eatsgood
Dallas Eatz @_dallaseatz @dallaseatz (Twitter)
Eats With Bree @EatsWithBree
The Fine Foodie @Teylore
A Taste of Ry @atasteofry
Dallas Food Blogger @Dallasfoodblogger
DeQuilla Gennay @dequillagennay
The Yummie Foodie @theyummiefoodie
Mochas and Mimosas @mochasandmimosasbb
Scotty Scott @cookdrankeat
Potty Mouth Kitchen @pottymouthkitchen
Starving On A Budget @starvingonabudget
She Eats the World @she_eatstheworld
The Eats Blog @theeatsblog
Black People Eats @blackpeopleeats
Cuzzo @CuzzoAB
UBettaGoEatHere @UBetterGoEatHere
Glam Kitchen @TheGlamKitchen
La Brandis Gotta Eat
Eating With Daymion @eatingwithdaymion