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Am I Doing Enough Digital Marketing For My Small Business?


If there were simple ways, you could keep sales and customers coming in, you'd do it....right?? I mean having the power to put your product or service in front of people all around the world, would be useful.....right?

The obvious answer to both of those questions is YES but sadly most small businesses don't take the time to look into digital marketing and miss out on these opportunities. Ask yourself this....are you doing enough digital marketing for your business? Really ask yourself, because lying about it is only going to hurt your business. Digital Marketing is pretty broad so lets breakdown what I mean by having "enough" digital marketing. Then we'll get into a few ways it can help your business, cool? Cool.

In 2021 the easiest form of digital marketing (that will actually get results) to attack is social media, so how are your social media pages? Is your business set up on the main platforms like Facebook, Instagram, tik tok, Twitter? Now you don't need to be on all of them please don't think I'm saying that...but being on AT LEAST one, preferably two is really maximizing your social media pages. Having them is just the first step, if you do, congrats this part alone can be tough for business owners admits everything else you are dealing with....but please here me when I say this is something you do NOT want to neglect. If you have your page great, but are you posting consistently, or do you just have a page that your niece made for you that you haven't touched in 3 months? Depending on your business you don't need to become a millennial and post daily (unless you're in food lol but we will discuss that later) but you do need to show consistency, this will be the first impression for a lot of people you want to make a good one.

Next would be things like a website, this is pretty basic but some don't even have that. If you want to be taken seriously you need a website, one that looks good. If you have one great, but ask yourself what you want from your website. Do you just need something up that looks good? If so then cool you can move on. If you're someone that's trying to drive in sales, or want traction for your site, you might need to look at things like SEO optimization and running Google and Facebook ads. This will all depend on your business but if you're selling a definitely want to make sure your SEO optimization and Ads are on point because if they are you literally can sell to anyone in the world. The same thing goes for businesses offering a service, even if you need to be local, reaching that customer can result in a sale later down the line or a customer referral, so don't sleep!

Next would be an email list, do you have a strong email list for your customers? How does your content look? Are you running ads? How are they doing?

....honestly I think you are starting to get my point. There are a lot of ways you can use digital marketing to boost your business...while you don't need to use them need to be using A FEW. Not one. A few. I like to think of marketing with this metaphor:

You have an object, whatever object it doesn't matter, but every single business, even if owned by the same person is a different object. You also have a bunch of supplies like glue, tape, paint, whatever. Your objective is to get the object to stick to the wall, marketing is the act of using these supplies to get your object to stick to the wall. Trying different things seeing what sticks.

Testing, patience, and innovation are HUGE when it comes to digital marketing and these 3 are also the main reason people stay away from it. It can be overwhelming but the great part about 2021 is there are thousands of marketing experts like myself ready to handle these things for you. The best part is when you hire a good marketing specialist, they help your business make more money so you really are getting free help. Most of my clients actually have said since hiring me they got a raise from doing so, which just shows the power of marketing.

Go through my list of services and ask yourself if you are handling this aspect of digital marketing correctly! If not, you either need to do what needs to be done to fix that part yourself, or hire someone (even if it's not me) to do these things for you, I promise you will be thanking yourself when it's all said and done. It can be scary but Rome wasn't built in a day and it wasn't built by one person either, it takes a village! Digital marketing is so vital to small businesses yet it is neglected in most cases, don't let that be you. Lets run it up!

More blog posts on the way, stay tuned and hope you enjoyed!

Love peace and good eats,


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